Who we are

Unlike many environmental charities, CPRE has no vested interests, we own no land, rely solely on donations and grants, and are politically independent. We want to see a protected countryside, but within the context of a healthier economy and a happier community, and we don’t think they are mutually exclusive. CPRE believes that people have the right to enjoy a protected countryside, and we have the ambition to make it happen.
Achievements like National Parks, AONBs and Green Belts didn’t happen overnight; they took decades of campaigning, careful organisation and reasoned argument. At many stages they seemed impossible dreams, but now it is hard to imagine an England without them.
CPRE Northumberland was set up as a part of the national organisation in the 1990s to work for a thriving, beautiful county for the benefit and enjoyment of all.
We cover the whole area north of the Tyne and our members come from everywhere between the Tyne and the Tweed. They are served by a committed team of volunteers supported by a Coordinator and Press Officer.
- We plan events and hold meetings (on-line) to discuss our progress and what to work on next.
- We take a close interest in planning matters, especially Green Belt and open countryside developments and we regularly object to those we feel are inappropriate or break the ‘rules’ of good planning.
- Green issues and heritage concerns are constantly on our agenda, and we keep in touch with our members via social media and a regular newsletter, while fundraising to keep it all going.
If you agree with our aims and support what we are doing to achieve them, why not contact us to find out more, or consider joining one of our meetings. You will be made very welcome.