Nature and landscapes

Scenes like the one pictured are typical of English farmland.
Their beauty lies in their unspoilt, natural simplicity, and the subtle changes that light, the seasons and the weather can bring to the scene. Northumberland is one of the least developed counties in England and has a wealth of open spaces like this, together with ancient woodlands, sparkling streams, quiet lanes and thriving hedgerows.
Northumberland offers many celebrated views. Its coast is blessed with miles of sandy beaches interspersed with rugged outcrops of volcanic rock, spectacularly girt in places with castles that breathe the very air of romance. Our inland scenery boasts sweeping vistas of moors and mountains, with fertile pastoral valleys nestling within them. Everywhere there are acres of space and room to breath, with peace and tranquillity to restore stressed spirits.
But to keep our coast and countryside in such unspoilt perfection needs vigilance and commitment. CPRE Nothumberland encourages everyone living north of the Tyne to value and appreciate the countryside entrusted to our care, and see that it is looked after. This should go not just for our National Park and two National Landscapes (all three managed by specialist teams), but for all the green spaces throughout the county. especially those that lie closest to where we live. CPRE Northumberland stands up for ‘the countryside next door’, the Green Belt north of the Tyne and the attractive countryside all over the county that forms the landscape settings of our towns and villages.
If you share our concern to see this precious resource protected from wasteful unplanned development, why not add your support to a national team that lobbies MPs and a local team that checks planning proposals and opposes the inappropriate and harmful. We work for a beautiful countryside in harmony with nature. Will you join us?