Photo Competition 2021 #View from the doorstep
CPRE Northumberland were proud to launch their first ever competition in January 2021, which invited those with a keen eye for capturing Northumberland’s diverse natural landscape, to submit photographically their #View From The Doorstep. With cash prizes on offer, and time on many peoples’ hands, the response was enthusiastic.
The pandemic restrictions over the previous year had highlighted just how precious our local green spaces are for everyone. Whether for their beauty, tranquillity, or just a place to escape, we came to appreciate their importance to our mental and physical well-being perhaps more than ever before. CPRE Northumberland set out to capture this heightened sense of awareness and connection, whilst under Covid restrictions. They invited residents to submit photographs that showcased their relationship with nature and landscape in their own locality. Over 50 entries were received, and the panel of judges found shortlisting a very difficult task!
Eventually the list was whittled down, and winners chosen, with highly commended runners up. The winner was Janice Eckersly, with a beautiful composition of Alnwick Moor.
One judge remarked about this delightful photo, “This photograph captures a classic Northumberland view perfectly and although the landscape is devoid of human figures, the public seat reminds us the natural beauties of the county are there to be enjoyed.” Another judge remarked that it was a “great story-telling image”.
Second prize went to Derek Taylor with his arresting image of Morpeth’s stepping stones.
About the second prize image, a judge said, “This image is simple and understated but it sums up everything we love about Northumberland – running waters, evocative skies, striking seasons, the English countryside and lovely homes fitted snugly into the landscape. It sums up a central theme of CPRE – the desire to see the right houses in the right places. It also fulfils the brief of a View From The Doorstep.” Another judge described how she “imagined the person going home for tea, in the lovely evening light”.
And third prize went to Claire Johnson, with a Berwick image entitled ‘Spittal sunset’.
One of the judges remarked, “Very good technique and vision. Difficult to catch just the right amount of movement in the water but here it is done very well. Beautiful use of colour!” And I don’t think anyone seeing this evocative and beautifully crafted image would take issue with that summary.
There were also a number of commendations…
All the photographs submitted will now become part of the branch’s image bank, to illustrate articles and support campaigning. And lastly, our thanks go to our judging panel, and to everyone who entered. We hope to run another competition next year!