Preserving the heritage
The village of Corbridge by Alistair Sinclair.
The origins of Corbridge can be traced from the second century AD, through Saxon, Norman and mediaeval times, to the present day. As a result the village not only has much recorded history to capture the imaginations of its young residents and to share with visitors, but the road layout and buildings combine to form a living memorial to the various stages of construction the village has gone through in its life. This is particularly relevant as most of older buildings were constructed by our predecessors using stones from earlier Roman structures.
In 1967 an act was passed to create Conservation Areas within the UK, and Corbridge was selected to be one such location. A year later Corbridge Village Trust was set up to support the maintenance of the designated area with the aim of preserving its heritage.
In its 50th Aniversary Year the Trust can look back on half a century of reviewing planning applications, and entering discussions with Corbridge Parish Council and other bodies, to ensure that the terms of the Act are preserved. In addition, the Trust has lobbied the County Council for improvements to the infrastructure of the area. Another service provided by the Trust has been the installation and maintenance of descriptive plaques which it had placed on buildings of particular interest. These plaques complement pamphlets produced by the Trust to guide visitors around the village and offer them a wealth of knowledge about the streets where they are walking.

With the current national interest on increasing the number of houses in all communities to cope with England’s steadily rising population, the Trust continues to work with other village groups to maintain the integrity of the ancient heart of Corbridge and to ensure that its conservation area is not damaged by the increase in traffic and pedestrians as the number of residents grows.
If you have not been to Corbridge yet, do come and explore this ancient village in its delightful setting on the banks of the Tyne. There is much to see and enjoy about our heritage but also plenty of quality shops and eating places…
…and you will receive a WARM WELCOME.